Love Your Mind Blog
No-BS Guide to Mindset, Motivation & Self-Care
If the Kids Are Not Okay, It’s Not Because of ‘Bad Therapy’
If the kids are not okay, it’s not because of “bad therapy.” Read my review to learn how I define “Good Therapy,” and why it’s more important than ever to have well-informed consumers of mental health care.
How Wellness Travel Can Alleviate Post-Pandemic Apathy
Could wellness travel be the antidote to our collective apathy?
Need a Healthy ESCAPE®? Six Science-Backed Self-Care Strategies that Work
Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for the past year has taken its toll on us both physically and mentally, and although we may be rounding the corner, recovering from the emotional fallout may take some time.
Hesitant about “Re-entry” Tips From a Social Anxiety Expert
We’ve become secluded, increasingly isolated, and socially “malnourished.” As a consequence, re-entry may present some unique challenges and despite an eagerly anticipated “return to normal,” don’t be surprised if you have mixed feelings about it.
How to Handle the Un-Holidays of 2020
“Holiday blues” are real and stem from a combination of stress, exhaustion, unrealistic expectations, and forced celebration.
Why Optimism is Kind of a Big Deal (Part 2)
How we think has a powerful influence on our health and well-being. Recently, a large-scale study suggested how we think can potentially even add years to our lives.
Why Optimism is Kind of a Big Deal (Part 1)
Don’t worry, glass half-emptiers – although optimism is partly inherited, thinking like an optimist is a skill you can learn.
Why can’t work be fun too?
In my experience implementing workplace wellness initiatives, I have found that the most successful programs are the ones in which wellness is “baked into the culture” of the place.