Dr. Natalie Christine - Mental Health Speaker.jpg

Science-based Wellness Psychologist & Mental Health Expert


I translate the most up-to-date research on mindset, motivation & self-care into impactful and sustainable strategies so you can live a life you truly love!


Hi, I'm Dr. Natalie Christine.gif

I’m Dr. Natalie Christine

I’m a psychologist, therapist, mental health speaker and educator, a mom of two girls, and a fitness enthusiast. I’m on a mission to help people create a life they love and take better care of themselves - body, mind, spirit & soul. I take the ‘woo’ out of wellness and offer a practical approach to mental well-being rooted in science.

You’re in the right place if…

◇ You know that self-care is good for you, but you JUST don’t have the time or energy to do it.

◇ You’re overwhelmed with people talking about mindfulness and selling you their 12-Step-Guide-To-Living-Your-Best-Life Program, but what does that actually mean???

◇ You lead an innovative organization and want to offer an evidence-backed approach to well-being for your employees.

You’re a wellness educator or coach and want to ensure your mental health content is accurate and user-friendly as you build your brand. 


Change can be easy if you have a smart strategy.

It’s my passion to help you gain clarity about mental health and mindset. This website is a great starting point to find the tools and practical advice you need to start working towards achieving a healthy lifestyle that’s sustainable, balanced, and full of joy.


So many people tell me they want their lives to be different, but attempts to make desired changes don’t stick. And every time we set out to improve ourselves and fail, we become less and less enthusiastic and motivated.

I’ve studied change for decades. How to deal with change is one thing. How to create meaningful and lasting change is another. Change is a mindset. It’s about having confidence in your ability to make the changes you want to make and your expectation of success. I will work with you to build your “change confidence” and guide you through the steps needed for success. 

Need a mental health & wellness speaker? 

I share mental health and wellness expertise with audiences & forward-thinking organizations dedicated to enhancing the lives of their people. My mission is to take the “fluff” out of these topics and present an approach to living well that is rooted in psychological and brain science, and applicable to “real life.”






Mental Health


A portion of my Speaking Fees are donated to the Bring Change to Mind organization.

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